"15 ways to lift your mood & feel awesome!"

Image by Crystl.

1. Drink more water. Dehydration can make you grumpy & the quickest fix is a big glass of water. Add a sprig of fresh mint or a slice of lime for more fun!

2. Smile! Then watch people smile back!

3. Take a nap. Sleep deprived people are not fun to be around. Take a ten minute nap & wake up feeling refreshed & ready to go.

4. Go for a walk. Or jog! Preferably somewhere peaceful & quiet, like a park or along a river. Just get outside in the fresh air! Exercise is a sure-fire way to improve your mood & release endorphins. The twilight hours are the best time of day for this.

5. Wear bright colours. Or something in your favourite colour. Put on a pair of rainbow coloured socks & celebrate!

6. Give to charity. Or volunteer. Sometimes, it feels nice to simply be nice. Doing a good deed for someone else will make you feel warm & fuzzy & will put life’s problems into perspective.

7. Laugh. Watch your favourite comedy, a funny video on youtube, read a joke or browse through LOLcats! Get some laughter into your life!

8. Talk to a friend. They’re your friend for a reason; they like you & they’ll listen to you. Simply being able to talk about your problems can sometimes make you feel much better.

9. Give someone a hug. Hugs are awesome & they feel great! Share the love!

10. Eat some dark chocolate. Or an oat cookie. The tryptophan in oats will lift your mood. Everyone knows that bit of chocolate is a super delicious way to bring a smile to your face. It could be that all you needed was a bit of a blood-sugar boost!

11. Take a deep breath. Sometimes we forget to breath properly. Take a deep, full breath & slow down for a second of two. Feel how good that was? Easy!

12. Take a bath. Sit in the warm water & relax. Let any bad or disturbing thoughts wash away & disappear down the plug-hole.

13. Listen to music. Put on some of your favourite upbeat tunes. I like 99 luft balons & Friday I’m in love!

14. Look up. Looking at the sky is an easy way to improve your mood.

15. Remember that the Universe loves you!

One Response to “15 ways to lift your mood & feel awesome!” | Skip to comment form

  1. mermaid Says:

    I love this!! <33 And I really need it right now too, I’ve had a crazy day.

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This post was written by Bella (contact).

It was written on January 21st, 2009 at 8:54 am and was filed under How To, Inspiration and tagged with the words .

It contains 379 words, 1 image.

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