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Threads from the Web | 25th March 2009 |
Treads from the Web | 11th March 2009 |
Threads From the Web | Monday 19th January 2009 |
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Image by Farruska.
Amazing photos inspired by events leading up to the French revolution.
- Check out the flow chart for heavy metal band names. I just love that the whole thing is an inverted pentagram! Oh, & that it’s a flow chart! \m/
Dita Von Teese for Express Style is the ultimate feme fatal: dark, lux & beautiful.
- Jenifer 8. Lee & Cara Buckley of the New York Times explore the darker underside of DIY abortion. The stories these ladies have to tell are heart rending.
- Christmas cards that are perfect for use during a recession. My personal favourite is the “Selling the kids Christmas card.” Yours?
- Yulia Brodskaya creates some drop dead gorgeous paper art. Totally amazing!
Hold your breath every time you use Google & you just might save the planet!
- I’ve always found the scent of coriander (cilantro) repulsive. Now I know why.
- Dark Roasted Blend explores some alluringly creepy abandoned theme parks. Very Spirited Away.
- How awesome is Blake Lively?!
- Only die-hard culinary explorers will be willing to try a taste of snail caviar. Personally, I’m a bit of a wuss.
- Tina Su uses a circle as the perfect metaphor for the ideal lifestyle & gives a few tips for “designing” the life you want. My circle could be a little smoother, how about yours?
- Smash Magazine predicts the top web design trends for 2009. Will Bella’s Threads follow suit? Stay tuned to find out!
- I am totally considering Eye-fi. “Upload photos automatically from your digital camera to your computer,” no cables or anything. How awesome is that?!
- Amelia Arsenic rocks that big red bow!
- How to make your own snow globe! I always found snow globes fascinating as a child. Who didn’t? Now you can make your own!
- Thursday Bram makes it easy for you - 50 Businesses You Can Start In Your Spare Time!
- Someone finally said it “Vogue is getting a bit stale.” What does this mean for the magazine’s future?
- These final threads are full of awesome video content. This is perhaps the most hilarious condom ad I have ever seen.
- 4th Estate creates the most adorable video for bibliophiles like myself. A world made of books. How absolutely lovely!
- Let my Grandfather read you a bedtime story - he’s really very good at it!
Threads from the Web | 7th January 2009 |
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1. Wire rope, 2. What a tangled web we weave….., 3. herringbone homage, 4. Curly Rope, 5. please stop hating playing hard, 6. Green Thread, 7. fray, 8. Spools of vintage thread: greens, 9. blue 7, 10. cob nut - wrong side, 11. Thread-ends, 12. Little boy in a pot of ropes, 13. Green
- I have discovered Paco Peregrín! His Wonderland series is awe inspiring. As is this & this & oh gosh this!
- Even Kermit the Frog does yoga! Awesome!
- Dr Who: is the new Dr everything the Dr should be? I think McMillan is right; I would have liked to have seen the Dr wear skin with a different shade - or some stilettos.
- It’s every DnD players’ dream cake! Complete with twenty sided dice & a battle grid! When your party is done slaying the beast, they can slice up its tail & serve it with ice cream…
- The ever-beautiful Miss Karen recreates Siouxsie Sioux’s iconic make-up & does a smashing job!
This dress used to be a phone book…
- Just like tinyurl makes long winded urls a decent size, hugeurl makes any url a well….very decent size. Huge in fact. If you like that, why not treat yourself to the worlds longest email address?
- Snopes investigates the Good Wife’s Guide. True or not, it’s still hilarious!
- You can buy Peta branded coffins with Peta-esque slogans emblazoned all over ‘em. Gives new meaning to “I wouldn’t be caught dead in fur!” $75 from each sold is directly donated to Peta.
- Ever wondered if scientists can dance? Me neither. But the answer is yes, yes they can. I can remember when my tenth grade science teacher dressed up as the superhero “Science Man” and danced around to Tom Lehrer’s Periodic Table of the Elements. Too good to forget.
- Dr Martens are celebrating their 50th year by collaborating with well known artists & designers & the resulting footwear is well worth a peek.
- Check out these geeky tattoos. I think the Death Eater one is pretty hawt. Which is your favourite?
- Very attractive zombies. Fashion zombies even. Need I say more?
- I wish I could have gone to this party - would have been interesting no? I bet the costumes were delicious! Now, where can I find some photos of this party…?
- Speaking of Christmas, Laura Keeble devised an installation two years ago with the three wise men as the central theme. Only, they bear the gifts of Dior, Rolex & Chanel. Creepy.
- The jewellery from Majo Fruithof is stunning. So is the photography. I have my heart set on the cross necklace.
Threads from the Web | 2nd December 2008 |
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1. The silver threads of my tasbih, 2. The Rope, 3. Web and drops, 4. strings
- No Impact Man (always a pleasure!) shares a story from the Talmud that prompted me to think about our interconnection & taking responsibility.
- Also via No Impact Man is this New York Times piece by Al Gore which make for some interesting reading.
This photo set is awesome. ‘Nuff said.
- Would you like to snack on a candied scorpion? Sprinkle some pearl dust onto your ice-cream? How about a champagne-flavoured lollipop embellished with flakes of gold? These & more can be found at Edible. Definitely not for the feint of heart!
- I recently found Tina Su’s blog Think Simple Now & I think its awesome! Her article Dealing with Difficult People is definitely worth a look.
Sleeveface always manages to give me a bit of chuckle. Described as “one or more persons obscuring or augmenting any part of their body or bodies with record sleeve(s) causing an illusion” you can’t say no, & now they have a book!
ideeli gives away free stuff!
- Sonja asks; did you unwillingly support the wrong candidate in the American election this year?
- I’ve been rethinking my approach to fitness lately. Anti-gravity yoga looks fun doesn’t it?!
- Also from Elastic Waist is this Holiday Survival Kit! Hilarity abounds!
- I wish I had a home like this!
- If you need some consoling after a break up, why not try the R.I.P scented candle from Greece is for Lovers? It promises instant redemption & pleasant scents to burn away your blues. It is of course, too good to be true, but why not give it go?
Threads from the Web | 30th September 2008 |
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Woven with style; just for you!
Image by LollyKnit
- Everyone is talking about TheSelby & how wonderful the photos are. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s definitely worth a look! I particularly like Chuck Guarino and Ryan Turner digs & the handwritten interviews just kill me!
- Oh! How I wish we could make coffee this way at work!
- Want to look like Winona Ryder? With her tongue in her cheek Mademoiselle Robot tells you how!
- Krisatomic shares some beautiful details from Russian masterpieces. Ruffles, lace & pearls, how can you resist?
- ecogeek tells us all about this funky handbag complete with solar panels (& not just any kind of solar panels, the sexy kind!) Leave in the sun to charge up your mobile phone or just carry it around while you’re being awesome!
- & speaking of environmental concern, No Impact Man always manages to inspire me. These simple words left an impression on me & now I can’t stop thinking about it.
- I also found this story by Kent Nerburn totally inspiring.
- Also worth a look, this post form Kris Carr was just too good not too share. Read the following;
I will share one last story. At a signing last week a young girl listen to me speak as tears flowed from her soul windows. When it was Q&A time she asked “how do you do take care of yourself if you don’t like yourself, your body?” I wanted to walk over and hug the hate right out of her. “But you are God. You are Jesus, Buddha, Elvis, Etc. You are a Divine vessel sweet lady. How can you hate u? This sack is just your vehicle. Nothing more. Your job while clonking around in sneakers is to feel the love and shine it out, that’s all. Because when we go back to the universal disco we bring more positive energy to the soup. We recharge the universal gigawatt! If we choose not to love this time then perhaps we have to do it all over again. No judgment, only opportunity.”
Have a lovely Tuesday!
Threads from the Web | 12th September 2008 |
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Today’s threads from the web, are for some unknown reason, matrimonially-themed. I don’t know why, I just had a whole lot of lovely links that all had something to do with weddings! So here we go!
1. Scenes From a Wedding 3 2. The Bride Preparing herself for the Wedding
3. the wedding 4. wedding partly
Photobooth invitations have become so popular these day that they risk becoming a cliché. Still, when I first came across them, I thought “that’s so cool!” & I was instantly reminded of Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain!
- & further still, Threadbanger shows you how to make your own!
This cake is pure awesome & the wedding party all wore converse sneakers. Oh yes.
- This wedding invitation left me in stitches, it really did!
- The celebrant wore a bunny head. Genius!
- The gorgeous roaring twenties wedding dress worn by minor Spanish royal, Alejandra de Borbón, gave me heart palpitations. It’s Chanel, & her shoes were signed by Manolo Blahnik! Holy Swag Batman! If every wedding came kitted out with that it might be enough to tempt me into matrimony!
- It’s Wedding! The Muscial! These guys even shot the bouquet out of a cannon. Sweet!
These photos from the wedding of Dita von Teese & Marylin Manson are delicious!
Threads from the Web | 3rd September 2008 |
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- Jennine from The Coveted wrote about going poo-free & her no-poo life! For those not familiar with the lingo, the no-poo lifestyle is one without shampoo ;-) It may appear unusual at first but the benefits sound pretty good. Read her article How To Ditch Shampoo (and look even better).
- For all you self made clothing nuts, Threadbanger has a really cute video about DIY steampunk fashion & showcases some quick and very easy projects for the steam-pirate in all of us.
Boudicca recently announced the impending release of their new perfume Wode, named after the blue war paint Queen Boudicca and her armies wore into battle. With rare notes such as hemlock, opium, tuberose & treemoss it comes packaged in a spray-paint can & is ridiculously blue! Diane has more info & some pretty pictures.
- The ever-lovely Fee from Peachy Pan has created some beautiful new Kanzashi (or Japanese hair adornments). Get some for yourself soon because these pretties disappear quickly!
- Google released Chrome today, touted as the answer to all our Internet browser woes. But Marshall Kilpatrick of Read Write Web seems to have found a snag in the Google TOS.
Michel Techerovkoff photographs the most extravagant shoes! You must click! You must!