15 ways to make a bad day worse & feel awful |
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Image by mrlerone
1. Listen to sad & downbeat music. Music has a profound affect on mood. So if you’re looking for a sure-fire way to feel grumpy put on some sorrowful or angry tunes.
2. Drink a glass of wine. Or a bottle of vodka. Most drugs & alcohol are mood amplifiers & will enhance whatever your feeling at the time. Drinking heavily or taking drugs when you’re feeling down will only make things worse. Bonus points for drinking alone.
3. Pick a fight with someone you care about. Be a completely selfish diva & yell & call them names. Not only will you feel really guilty, but you will also have no one to talk to either.
4. Drink soft drink or eat lots of sugar. Sugar provides a temporary high. But after your body has processed all that glucose you’ll be left will sugar withdrawal & feeling lethargic & depressed.
5. Think nasty thoughts about everyone. The people on the bus, the chick at the checkout & that guy who’s walking in front of you taking up all the room on the footpath. Selfish bastard. Spread your negative vibes!
6. Watch the news. The nightly news is full of conflict, violence & horror & it’s all real. If you want to feel bad in no time then immerse yourself in stories about people at their worst.
7. Stay at home. Don’t go out & don’t talk to anyone. Even the most hardcore introverts will eventually become lonely if left by themselves for too long. Follow their example. Black out your windows.
8. Frown lots. Also, don’t forget to be rude & inconsiderate. Like attracts like, so you’re bound to bump into other grumpy people this way.
9. Read depressing stories & poetry. Shakespeare’s tragedies are a good place to start (Othello, Hamlet etc) East of Eden & The Bell Jar are two other contenders.
10. Likewise, watch gloomy films. A Scanner Darkly, The Grave of the Fireflies or just about any film about the Second World War are three that come to mind. Watch them alone.
11. Eat unhealthy food. You’ll feel really sluggish & guilty for treating your body like crap.
12. Remember every horrible thing ever said to you. All the insults & hurtful things that people have said to you over the years. Believe each one. Give those other people power over you.
13. Bottle it up. Refuse to cry & instead bury all your emotions. Then you will be resentful & even passive aggressive to those around you.
14. Wear lots of black. Don it with a sombre significance as if you are in mourning.
15. Quit smoking & drinking caffeine cold turkey & without any help or support. Watch as you grow more anxious & moody. If you do thins right you’ll go back to smoking or drinking coffee pretty quickly & then hate yourself for it.
Image by danske
Alternatively, you could realise that happiness is decision that you have to make on your own. Life is a matter of perspective & you can make the choice to be happy. Read 15 ways to lift your mood & feel awesome! & congratulate yourself on a job well done. Because you’re awesome & you know it!
This post was written by Bella (contact) on March 19th, 2009 at and was filed under How To, Inspiration and tagged with the words Angry, Bad Day, How To, Inspiration . It contains 527 words, 2 images.
Tea |
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Afternoon tea is one of my favourite indulgences. It’s one of those rituals that can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Do you like your tea in a mug & with a choc-chip cookie or with silver service & hand cut sandwiches? After water, tea is also the most widely consumed beverage on the planet. Here’s my guide to making the perfect cuppa. I’ve been making tea & coffee in cafes for five years now & it still gets confusing & freaks me out sometimes. Hopefully these tips will help.
The Tea Leaves
One of the first things to take into consideration is the tea itself. Tea is harvested from the Camellia plant & cured & oxidised to yield black tea, oxidised for green tea & left alone for white tea. Red tea (or Rooibos) is derived from an entirely different plant altogether. The quality of tea will also effect the taste of your end product. Good quality loose leaf tea free of artificial flavourings is best. If you drink decaffeinated tea make sure you buy a leaf that has been decaffeinated using CO2 rather than methylene chloride (or an acetate, both of which taste a bit off). If they don’t state which method used on the label then methylene chloride has most likely been used, so ditch it quick!
Tea bags are a convenient way to brew tea but not many people know that the tea contained in them is the tea-dust from the bottom of the shipping bins. The flavour & quality of loose leaf tea is superior & when combined with a tea-infuser or tea-egg is just a little more environmentally friendly; it cuts out all that excess packaging. When brewing tea in a pot the general rule of thumb is one teaspoon of tea per person plus an extra teaspoon of tea ‘for the pot’. From experience this works out nicely :)
Milk & Sugar?
White, green & herbal teas aren’t generally served with milk while black & red teas are. The tea I chose to make today is a beautiful loose leaf Earl Grey (those blue flecks are bits of dried cornflower, yum!); a black tea flavoured with Bergamot essential oil. Bergamot is a species of citrus & so it doesn’t make sense to serve a tea like this with milk. Traditionally Earl Grey is served with a thin slice of lemon.
If you like your beverages nice & sweet then by all means use sugar or honey. Sugar cubes are a really cute way of serving & displaying sugar with your tea set. Otherwise Demerara sugar is best for sweetening up your cup! I will add though, that the flavour of unsweetened tea is subtle & delicious & those of you with a constant sweet tooth should definitely try it out sometime!
Traditionally all tea services were made out of porcelain. However these days you can buy tea pots, cups & saucers, milk jugs & sugar bowls in glass, ceramic, earthenware, wood, stainless steel & precious metals like silver & gold. I say variety is the spice of life - so go for whatever piques your interest.
Brewing Times
Each type of tea will require a different brewing time & if you’re really professional, different water temperatures.
- Black tea can be brewed for up to four minutes (at 100 degrees Celsius),
- Green tea for up to three minutes (at 70 degrees Celsius),
- White tea for up to six minutes (at 80 degrees Celsius)
- Red tea for up to five minutes (at 100 degrees Celsius).
How to Brew a Pot of Tea
1. Boil enough fresh, cold, filtered water for one pot of tea.
2. While you’re waiting for the water to boil, fill the tea pot with hot water form the tap & let sit. This keeps the tea pot nice & warm. Pour this out once your water has boiled.
3. Fill a tea-infuser or tea-egg & place in the pot. If you don’t mind tea-leaves in your cup then just spoon the loose leaves right on into the tea pot. This is great for tea leaf reading!
4. Pour the boiled water into the pot leaving about 2cm of room at the top. (The tea leaves will expand making an already full pot will overflow!)
5. Let the tea sit & brew. Relax. Eat a sandwich, have another tart or sing a song while you wait.
6. Pour into cups & enjoy!
This post was written by Bella (contact) on March 17th, 2009 at and was filed under How To, Tasty Foodstuffs and tagged with the words afternoon tea, How To, Sweets, tea . It contains 726 words, 4 images.
Pushover’s Anonymous or How To Say NO! |
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Photo by Oknovokght.
First of all I would like to say that I don’t advocate the use of denial in people’s lives (at least not on a large scale!). If we lived our lives by saying “no” all the time we would be denying ourselves some incredible opportunities. Being open to these opportunities makes life wonderful. However, after seeing the film Yes Man I’ve had this thought playing on my mind & it wasn’t until the other day at the supermarket that I realised what it was.
My name is Bella & I am a pushover.
I was shopping for groceries & after wondering through the isles & picking up the things that took my fancy, I made my way the checkout. This particular supermarket was small, so there was only one register available & all the other customers were quietly lined up waiting to be served. I joined the end of the queue averted my eyes for a moment to check my basket had everything I needed & then looked up again. Lo & behold someone had pushed in front of me. I felt startled & somewhat affronted but said nothing. As the line moved on I started to feel more & more angry. Who the hell did this guy think he was? But instead of saying anything I stood there looking sour, feeling awful & took my frustrations out on the poor guy at the checkout by not responding to his hello. I stomped out of the store & then all of a sudden realised why I was so angry. I was angry at myself.
I had failed to stand up for myself & it made me feel hurt & angry. I recalled all the moments where I had given in to the wishes of other people against those of my own & realised that I was angry because in those situations I had never really taken into consideration what I wanted. I was being a pushover & saying “yes” to often to other people & “no” too often to myself.
Photo by Three-Legged-Cat.
When we’re children our parents are the voice of all authority in our lives. Mum & Dad tell us what to do & when we comply they lavish affection upon us. It’s this conditional affection that leads us to believe that if we ever want anyone to really care for us or to be valuable, we have to please them first, foremost & always. This means that rather than acting out of affection & fondness for a friend/job/lover a pushover acts out of fear. A fear of loss of approval. For this reason a pushover says “yes” even when they’re inclined to say “no”.
A pushover doesn’t fully know their value because they are constantly looking to other people for approval. When I was in high school I found that I was somewhat obsessed with making other people happy. This meant expressing views that weren’t akin to my own & going along with whatever anyone said or did. I had this constant need for approval, even from people I hardly knew. I only felt my worth when people gave me feedback. I began to feel like my life lacked control, direction & purpose. This is disastrously inappropriate.
So I decided to take charge. I said “yes” only when I wanted to & said “no” more often.
Find out what you want first
It is important to make sure that your new found use of the word “no” doesn’t become used with the same blindness that was once applied to “yes”. What I mean to say, is that before you say “yes” or “no” take a bit time to decide for yourself. What do you want?
- Take a moment to sit & think about the things you want in life.
- Make a list of your desires & dislikes. Dream up plans, goals & aspirations & then go for it!
- Read Tina Su’s article How to Design Your Ideal Life & put some of her suggestions into practice.
- Be brave!
Tit for Tat
It’s nice to be nice. Positivity & gratitude are wonderful things. But when you find yourself constantly at the mercy of another’s whims, when you’re plied for favours & when you’re never asked for your point of view/feelings/thoughts/plans then it’s time to think about saying “no!” Just because you’re a nice person does not mean that you need to be a pushover! When you feel like saying yes to things you’re not so keen on, try these tips;
- Make your participation conditional. I’ll help you with your mid-term report if you make lunch that day.
- Clarify your needs. I’d love to, but I need to go home & spend time with my family.
- Take a rain check. I’m busy right now, but I’m free later this afternoon/tomorrow/next week. How about then?
Stand up & be counted
When someone makes disparaging remarks or behaves in an overbearing way (or is being a bully!) don’t bow your head & avert your eyes. Don’t bottle it up or just take it. This kind of behaviour is dangerous for you & the people around you. Don’t repress your reactions! Stand up for yourself! Let them know in a calm & polite manner that they’ve crossed the line.
- Take a deep breath. Don’t get emotional or let your feelings get out of control. Standing up for yourself doesn’t mean making a scene.
- Be polite & speak clearly. Leave them in no doubt of the fact that you’re saying “NO!” I think you’re wrong or I don’t think this is right.
Remember who you are
The good opinion of loved ones & close friends is important. But self respect & self worth are also important. Remember those plans, goals & aspirations? Keep track of those achievements & congratulate yourself every so often. Remind yourself how wonderful you are & don’t forget to be awesome!
This post was written by Bella (contact) on March 11th, 2009 at and was filed under How To, Inspiration and tagged with the words Assertive, Goals, How To, NO! . It contains 960 words, 2 images.
The Cat’s Meow |
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Image by Maddest Hatter
The Cat’s Eye is a relatively simple make up style that consists of a line drawn along the eyelid ending with a small flick at the outer corner. It’s elegance lies in this simplicity. The Cat’s Eye is synonymous with all that is sophisticated, retro, glamorous & adorable. The Cat’s Eye is achieved with these five easy steps; Prime, Shadow, Line, Extend & Flick!
Employed by the likes of Christian Dior, Pola Negri, Marilyn Munroe, Betty Page, Amy Winehouse, Jean Paul Gaultier, Dita von Teese, Extravagent Goths & Fetish Models the Cat’s Eye proves that it’s also very versatile. A simple & demure black line & some mascara during the day can become smoky, alluring & sultry by night. Add a smooth line underneath the eye for a daring & dramatic look or extend the line into a bat-wing ala Winehouse. Add extra flicks to the outer corner for a bit of fifties revival or try experimenting with different colours (fuchsia, teal, violet, neon!)
So rather than writing a boring tutorial that could quite possibly be retitled “How To Draw A Line On Your Eyelid” I decided to give you all something a little more exciting.
The Cat’s Meow
For perfect Cat’s Eyes every time
you must first learn how to prime
(Too Faced Shadow Insurance works best I think)
Now being careful of course, not to blink
first Shadow, then Blend
any colour you please my friend!
After Shadow & Primer
bring out your liner
(M.A.C Penultimate Liner is a good sell)
Knowing small even strokes do work well
line your lid from end to end
as close to the lashes as your fingers will lend
At the corner give a quick flick
& wave around the mascara stick
Knowing that you cannot err
get ready to primp preen & purr
Because if you followed these instructions, written
you will now look like an adorable kitten!
& there you have it! It’s not so daunting that the most humble of makeup students would be afraid, & it’s exciting enough to be employed by kittens everywhere. Have fun!
This post was written by Bella (contact) on March 2nd, 2009 at and was filed under How To, Inspiration, Style and tagged with the words Beauty, Cat's Eye, How To, Make-up . It contains 329 words, 3 images.
Your Skin is a Beautiful Thing: The Oil Cleansing Method |
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Your skin is a beautiful thing. It is the final frontier between our bodies & the rest of the world. To keep skin smooth & blemish free a daily cleansing routine is vital. People everywhere cleanse their faces with soap, gels, surfactants, creams, detergents & foams in the belief that this will bring them closer to the clean flawless skin of their dreams. Most of these products are overly harsh & strip the skin of its moisture & disrupt the acid mantle, having the opposite effect to the one intended. Yuck!
I’m of the belief that skin care should be simple. The products involved & the method used should be simplistic, affordable easy & above all they should work. What could be more simple than natural vegetable oils?
The oil cleansing method uses the moisturising & cleansing properties of natural vegetable (& sometimes nut) oils to treat the skin. That’s right! You can use oils to clean your skin! This isn’t a new idea. Instead of soap the ancient Egyptians used to rub almond oil all over their bodies before scraping it away with course sand. Jojoba has been used by Native Americans & Mexicans for all kinds of skin ailments & Oceanic peoples have used coconut & kuikui nut oils in skin preparations for generations. African women have used shea nut & marula oils to condition the skin; Brazilian women use babassu oil & Italian women have done the same with olive oil.
As well as dissolving dirt & grime easily, vegetable oils also remove excess sebum & by lubricating blackheads, unclog congested pores. That’s right, you can use good oils to remove the bad oils from your skin! Best of all, oil isn’t irritating, it isn’t overly drying & it doesn’t sting when it accidentally gets in your eyes. The basic blend of oils combines a cleansing oil (like castor oil) with a moisturising oil (like oilve oil). An simple & ideal starting ratio is roughly 25% castor oil combined with 75% olive oil. However it’s perfectly acceptable to use other oils at different ratios.
Here’s my favourite recipe for a facial cleansing oil. I’ve found that this is the perfect ratio for my skin, but don’t hesitate to experiment on your own. My skin has been the clearest I have ever seen it after using this blend every day for two weeks!
Daily Offering Cleansing Oil
- 10ml Almond Oil. Almond oil is a wonderful moisturiser. It softens skin & soaks in easily without leaving any greasy film behind.
- 10ml Macadamia Oil. Macadamia oil has a composition very similar to that of human sebum. Gentle & silky, it is also very Australian!
- 15ml Castor Oil. While it can be sticky & thick castor oil is actually an extremely effective cleanser. It also helps to remove the other oils in this blend when you’re done.
- 15ml Rosehip Oil. Rosehip oil works wonders. It is super hydrating & sinks into the skin effortlessly. Full of fatty acids this oil is mild & smooth.
- 20ml Jojoba Oil. Actually a wax, jojoba is another oil that closely resembles human sebum. It makes a wonderful emollient & has a luxurious feel. I buy mine with 3% absolute vanilla essential oil added!
- 30ml Olive Oil. Olive oil has been used in the famous soap from Castile for centuries. Full of antioxidants, olive oil promotes smooth elastic skin.
This makes 100ml & if used everyday will last for two months. Cold-pressed organic oils are preferable. If you are going to be putting oil on your skin, you definitely want it to be of the highest quality! Refining can remove some of the desirable qualities of these oils as well, so keep that mind when you buy them. Simply mix the oils together & store in a dark glass jar away from heat & light. To use, follow these instructions;
The Oil Cleansing Method
You will need your oil blend, a face cloth & hot water!
Pour about half a teaspoon of oil into the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together to warm up the oil & them smooth over your face. Use firm, gliding strokes to massage the oil across your forehead, around your nose, over your cheeks, into you chin & down your neck. Take your time & enjoy the massage! When your finished massaging the oil into your face, take the washcloth & dampen with hot water. Place over your face & let the steam open your pores while the washcloth cools. Gently wipe away the oil. (You don’t need to scrub or use force to wipe away the oil. It can be removed easily with a gentle wiping motion.) Wash the cloth in hot water & repeat two or three times more, holding the cloth against your skin for a few moments when you begin. Splash with cold water, moisturise & you’re done!
To use your oil blend to remove makeup (especially eye makeup) place one to two drops on you index finger & gently rub over your eyelid. Finish by wiping away with a tissue. Easy!
Your skin is a beautiful thing. So look after it!
This post was written by Bella (contact) on February 5th, 2009 at and was filed under How To and tagged with the words DIY Beauty, OCM, Oil Cleansing Method . It contains 840 words, 3 images.
15 ways to lift your mood & feel awesome! |
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Image by Crystl.
1. Drink more water. Dehydration can make you grumpy & the quickest fix is a big glass of water. Add a sprig of fresh mint or a slice of lime for more fun!
2. Smile! Then watch people smile back!
3. Take a nap. Sleep deprived people are not fun to be around. Take a ten minute nap & wake up feeling refreshed & ready to go.
4. Go for a walk. Or jog! Preferably somewhere peaceful & quiet, like a park or along a river. Just get outside in the fresh air! Exercise is a sure-fire way to improve your mood & release endorphins. The twilight hours are the best time of day for this.
5. Wear bright colours. Or something in your favourite colour. Put on a pair of rainbow coloured socks & celebrate!
6. Give to charity. Or volunteer. Sometimes, it feels nice to simply be nice. Doing a good deed for someone else will make you feel warm & fuzzy & will put life’s problems into perspective.
7. Laugh. Watch your favourite comedy, a funny video on youtube, read a joke or browse through LOLcats! Get some laughter into your life!
8. Talk to a friend. They’re your friend for a reason; they like you & they’ll listen to you. Simply being able to talk about your problems can sometimes make you feel much better.
9. Give someone a hug. Hugs are awesome & they feel great! Share the love!
10. Eat some dark chocolate. Or an oat cookie. The tryptophan in oats will lift your mood. Everyone knows that bit of chocolate is a super delicious way to bring a smile to your face. It could be that all you needed was a bit of a blood-sugar boost!
11. Take a deep breath. Sometimes we forget to breath properly. Take a deep, full breath & slow down for a second of two. Feel how good that was? Easy!
12. Take a bath. Sit in the warm water & relax. Let any bad or disturbing thoughts wash away & disappear down the plug-hole.
13. Listen to music. Put on some of your favourite upbeat tunes. I like 99 luft balons & Friday I’m in love!
14. Look up. Looking at the sky is an easy way to improve your mood.
15. Remember that the Universe loves you!
This post was written by Bella (contact) on January 21st, 2009 at and was filed under How To, Inspiration and tagged with the words . It contains 379 words, 1 image.
DIY Manicure + Recipes! |
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Before you begin, you will need to assemble a few items. You can pick up most of these from the pharmacy, supermarket or places like Priceline for a reasonable price. Alternatively, you could scour department stores, or online for a manicure set, or a manicure and pedicure set. Some come with just the basic tools, while others include battery powered buffing tools & even powered drying stations for nails wet with polish! They aren’t necessary of course, & you can give yourself a perfect manicure at home with just the items I have listed here. For the recipes on the other hand you might need to brave the local health food store - or try the folks at Sydney Essential Oil Co.
What you’ll be needing:
Acetone or Nail Polish Remover
Alcohol or Sanitiser
Warm Water
Emery Board or Nail File
Buffing Board
Nail Clippers or Scissors
Orange Stick or Cuticle Pusher
Square Tipped Brush
Nail Polish
Set up your space, ideally close to basin. Place the nail clippers & orange stick in a cup or mug with a small amount of alcohol poured into the bottom to disinfect & sanitise. When you’ve finished your manicure it’s important to remember to spray the emery board & the buffing board (& any other tools) with disinfectant and give them a wipe down. You & your hands a really important so don’t expose either to nasty bacteria & risk giving yourself an infection!
1. Clean Hands
First things first, remove old nail polish with nail polish remover or acetone, & some cotton balls. Personally, I don’t buy nail polish remover any more. I go to the hardware store & buy a big bottle of acetone, which is basically the primary ingredient in nail polish remover anyway. Some people find that it can be drying, but I haven’t had any problems so far - especially since I make a point of moisturising afterwards. It works out to be so much cheaper as well & there’s less packaging to deal with. Make sure your hands are clean & wet the cotton ball with a small amount of acetone & hold over the nail for a few seconds. Then wipe away the polish with one or two firm, slow strokes and move on to the next nail. Use the pointed end of the orange stick to clean out dirt from underneath the nail.
2. Exfoliate
Mud Cake Hand Scrub
30g Organic Coco Butter
30ml Organic Almond Oil
20ml Vegetable Glycerin
30g Organic Coco Powder
60g Raw Organic SugarMelt the coco butter in a bowl in the microwave. As coco butter is quite hard & can be stubborn, it’s best to try microwaving it for a minute at time until it has fully melted. Once the butter has melted, add the other ingredients & give it a good stir. I find its best to use while warm, as the mixture will thicken up as it cools. To use, place about a tablespoon of the mixture in the palm of one hand & rub both hands together, scrubbing the backs of the hands, in-between fingers, & up towards the nails. Coco butter moisturises, while the sugar exfoliates meaning this scrumptious scrub makes hands soft & lovely, but even better than that, it smells divine. Just like chocolate mud cake! Délicieux! Wash away the scrub with warm water & pat hands dry with a towel.
3. Clip & File
Now it’s time to clip and file our nails. I don’t usually cut or clip my nails unless they’re really uneven & I recommend you do the same. Excessive clipping or cutting can make the free edge of the nail weak & it can sometimes cause tearing or split nails. Take the nail file and slide it along the free edge of your nail from the out corner to the centre. Don’t file in a see-saw or back & forth motion, as this will also weaken the nail. Instead file in just the one direction, from corner to centre & then start again from the other side of the nail, first with the rough edge of the nail file & then with the smooth edge. The purpose of filing your nails is to smooth over & even out the free edge of the nail. The ideal shape for filed nails is a rounded square - this shape is least likely to break, split or chip. If you like, you can go over the edged of your filed nails with the rough side of the buffing board to really smooth them out.
4. Soak
Time to soak! Soaking your hands in warm water is a lovely relaxing treat, but is only necessary if you plan to push back your cuticles.
Gingerbread Nail Soak
50ml Organic Liquid Castile Soap
10ml Organic Apricot Kernel or Almond Oil
3 drops Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil
3 drops Ginger Essential OilUse a stirring rod or the handle of a spoon to gently stir the essential oils and apricot or almond oil into the castile soap, and store in a clean glass bottle. To use, mix between one and two tablespoons of the soak into a bowl filled with warm water & soak hands & nails for five to ten minutes to loosen cuticles. While cinnamon and ginger essential oils are good for improving circulation, they may irritate sensitive skin. However, you can easily substitute them for any other essential oils. I recommend lavender & geranium, or myrrh & vanilla, or even peppermint & lime! Got nuts and formulate your own! When your hands are done languishing in the warm water, take them out & pat dry with a towel.
5. Cuticles
Take the orange stick and use the flat end to gently push back the cuticles. This step isn’t necessary & its not something I do every time I give myself a manicure. Pushing back the cuticle gives your nail a neat & tidy look & makes nail polish application even, but if you’re not careful you run the risk of getting an infection. Especially if your cuticles are cracked, torn or bleeding. So be careful!
6. Buff
Buffing your nails smooths out the weak spots; ridges, cracks & chips. Smooth, buffed nails are less likely to break & your manicure will last longer. Take the buffing board & begin with the roughest edge. Use a little pressure & make small circular motions against the surface of the nail. Finish with a side to side motion & then use the finer edge of the board. The board I use is four sided, the sides are covered with buffing paper & each side uses a grade that is finer than the last. The first side is for removing ridges, the second for smoothing, the third for buffing & the last for polishing & adding shine. Don’t use the final side if you plan to apply nail polish as the polish tends to stick better to porous surfaces rather than glossy smooth ones.
7. Moisturise
Sweet Nut Hand Treatment
50g Honey
20ml Organic Macadamia Oil
20ml Organic Almond Oil
1 Vitamin E CapsulePour the honey into a bowl & warm in the microwave until runny. Gently stir in the macadamia & almond oils & then add the contents of the broken vitamin E capsule. Use while still warm by slathering the mixture all over your hands & then wrapping them up in a plastic bag followed by a hot towel. (Warm up your towels in the dryer, or by dampening them in a basin full of hot water) Then sit & relax! After five to ten minutes remove your hands & wash thoroughly in warm water. Honey is an excellent moisturiser & when mixed with the oils it is wonderful for soothing tired skin & leaving your hands soft & gorgeous!
8. Polish
Again like pushing back cuticles, applying polish is optional. Use a base coat or clear top coat first to seal the nail & prevent the coloured polish from leaving a stain. Très passé! Apply the polish in three even strokes, the first in the middle & then one either side. Stronger colours may need a second coat. Leave to dry & then apply a layer of top coat or clear nail polish for a lovely glossy look.
Keep your hands still for an hour or so to let the polish dry properly. You can use the time to read a magazine, watch your favourite film or chat with a friend.Voilà! You’re finished & your nails should look wonderful!
This post was written by Bella (contact) on January 14th, 2009 at and was filed under How To and tagged with the words Beauty, DIY, Do It Yourself, manicure, Natural, recipe . It contains 1,382 words, 8 images.
How to clean makeup brushes |
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Cleaning your make-up brushes should be an important & regular part your beauty routine. If left to sit for long enough, they become the perfect environment for bacteria that can cause inflammation & infection in sensitive skin types. Gross! Because make-up brushes frequently come in contact with the skin, they also tend to accumulate a lot of oil, dirt & of course, make-up. Keeping you brushes clean ensures not only that they remain free of bacteria but also that they work just as well as they did they day you bought them. Here’s how to keep your make-up brushes squeaky clean.
First of all, you will need some equipment. Nothing expensive or complicated mind you, mostly items you can find around the house. Aside from the brushes that you’re about to clean, you will need: large bowl full of warm water, two smaller bowls (one for the detergent & one for lathering the brush) a facecloth or piece of cotton & most importantly, detergent. Any type of detergent will do; brush cleaner, shampoo, bubble bath, hand wash, body wash even dish washing detergent - they all contain the same chemicals in almost the same proportions. Lastly, be sure to cover the surface you’re working on. Newspaper, plastic wrap or an old towel work wonderfully.
Thoroughly Cleaning Your Make-up Brushes
1. Pour a small amount of detergent into one of the smaller bowls. Dip the dirty make-up brush first into the water & then into the detergent.
2. Swirl the bristles around the second small bowl to create a lather & save your hands from getting wet & covered with old make-up residue.
3. Rinse the brush in the bowl of warm water.
4. Pat dry using the facecloth or cotton.
5. Reshape the brush tip & let air dry!
You can use this method to clean any & all make-up brushes as well as flocked sponges. I find that it’s best to leave the clean brushes to dry in a place where they won’t be disturbed for eight hours or so. Most experts agree that personal make-up brushes should be cleaned at least once a week. This can be a bit much for some (myself included!) so below is a quick fix way to clean make-up brushes that doesn’t take too long & doesn’t require eight hours of drying time.
For this to work you will need to use a professional brush cleaner or brush shampoo. I use the brush cleanser developed by MAC. It costs around thirty dollars for 200ml but you only need to use a small amount of liquid each time. According to the girl who sold it to me, it’s also anti-bacterial & fast acting.
Quickly Cleaning Your Make-up Brushes
1. Pour a small amount of brush cleaner into one of your small bowls. Dip in the dirty make-up brush & give it a bit of swirl.
2. Pat dry using a tissue & viola! Done!
While on the subject of brushes, I’d like to point out the importance of good quality brushes. Cheap brushes are likely to shed & to fall apart because of the adhesives used. They’re also likely to be made out of animal hair, usually squirrel or goat. You can can never be sure that the bristles in these brushes were collected in a manner free of cruelty. In fact, it’s probably better to avoid using make-up brushes made out of animal hair altogether. Brushes form the Body Shop do not contain animal hair. Levhead & Aromaleigh also sell cute & reasonably affordable animal-friendly make-up brushes, though Aromaleigh won’t ship them to Australia. By far, my favourite animal-friendly make-up brushes are the Walk On The Wild Side brushes from The Brush Company - the bristles are the most amazing shade of electric blue!
This post was written by Bella (contact) on January 8th, 2009 at and was filed under How To, Inspiration and tagged with the words Beauty, Brushes, Cleaning, How To, Make-up . It contains 618 words, 2 images.
Marathon Shopping: 12 Survival Tips |
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1. Sales., 2. 4 bags, 3. Sales, 4. souls for sale???
Recently, I found myself lost in the shopping rush just before Christmas & like so many others, scrambling to find last minute presents. Again, in these last few days, I seem to have been compelled to join in the post-Christmas sales, waving my credit card around like a gymnast with a pretty ribbon. I’ll admit to picking up several bargains, but my sparkly new purchases come with a hidden cost. Time. Shopping is an extended activity & after wandering around a shopping center you could be left up to eight hours behind. This is what I call Marathon Shopping. It requires stamina, foresight & planning as well as the usual funds. Surviving eight hours of window shopping is an art form. So here are some tips I have picked up during my time as a Marathon Shopper.
1. Wear comfortable shoes.
Being on your feet for such a long time is very trying. Preempt tender feet by looking after them to begin with. A nice pair of comfortable flats will serve you well. Save the high heels for coffee with you friends the next day.
2. Wear sunglasses.
Shopping centers & malls can be hostile places full of short tempered people. If your the kind of person that wants to get in & out as quickly as possible you may find that an easy way to avoid unnecessary distractions & conversations is to don a pair of sunglasses. If people can’t make eye contact, they won’t usually speak to you. They’ll also stay out of your way - bonus!
3. Take regular breaks.
Be sure to take five minutes every now & then to sit down & center yourself. Don’t become a shopping center zombie! If you’re in a shopping precinct find a nice bench or a spot in a park to rest & revive.
4. Hydration.
Air conditioning is both a blessing & a curse. In the hot summer months people flock to shopping centres & malls to bask in the deliciously temperate air. However, the cool dry conditions can leave you feeling dehydrated fairly quickly. Pack a bottle of water & avoid the grumpiness, lethargy & headaches that accompany dehydration.
5. Take public transport.
Parking can be a nightmare. Avoid this by taking public transport where possible. It’s reasonably good for the environment & will save you money as well. If you end the day laden with purchases, use any money you might have saved to splurge on a taxi for the ride home.
6. Wear headphones.
“Can I help you with anything?” was the most frequently heard phrase during my shopping escapades & quite frankly, it drives me nuts. Because I like to be left alone when shopping, I try to avoid sales representatives as much as possible. They are less likely to approach you if you’re wearing a pair of very conspicuous headphones. As an added benefit, you can listen to your favourite tunes, instead of those inane Christmas carols.
7. Take your lunch.
Save some dollars & take a packed lunch with you. Make your favourite sandwich or take a bento box. Mess free finger foods are best, especially the kind that don’t need to be heated up. A piece of fruit is a healthy & tasty snack to have on hand & will provide a little energy boost when you need it most.
8. Pay in cash.
Withdraw the exact amount you are willing to spend for the day & leave your cards at home. Overspending is not a happy habit & may leave you with buyers remorse. Cash is a tangible way to keep track of your spending. Just be sure to keep it somewhere safe!
9. Plan ahead.
You don’t need to be so particular as to plan out the exact route you will be taking, or when you will be scheduling toilet breaks, but it is good idea to start out with some sort of plan in mind. Make a mental list of the items you are after or the stores you want to visit so you don’t waste to much time or make silly purchases.
10. Bring some friends.
Shopping by yourself is a lonely business. Take a good friend who will keep you company & give you sound advice & a fashionable opinion.
11. Take your own bags.
You take reusable bags to the supermarket, so why not take them with you for the rest of your shopping? Strong bags with lots of room & wide shoulder straps or handles will make your shopping experience more comfortable as well.
12. Look after yourself.
Christmas shopping can be particularly draining, so be sure to look after yourself. A little self love never hurt to much, so treat yourself after a long day of Marathon Shopping buy getting a pedicure or buying a good book. After purchasing all those gifts for others, you deserve something as well!
This post was written by Bella (contact) on December 30th, 2008 at and was filed under How To and tagged with the words christmas, mall, marathon shopping, shopping, shopping centre, survival tips . It contains 802 words, 1 image.
The Gossip Girl Grilled Cheese Sandwich |
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I first saw this delicious sandwich on the pilot episode of Gossip Girl. It’s a delicious twist on the traditional grilled cheese sandwich, the twist being truffle oil! The famous New York restaurant Gilt serves up their own version using fresh sliced white truffles, which sounds decadent enough, but is difficult for us everyday gourmands to put into practice. Truffles are notoriously expensive & definitely won’t keep as long in your pantry as a small bottle of truffle oil will. Besides, the Gilt grilled cheese sandwich will set you back $50! So not only is this sandwich fairly cheap by comparison, it is also easy to put together & is delicious! I think that at 3am it would make a perfect ending to a big night out!
In this recipe, I have used sliced grain bread, which is chewy & dense, is low in carbohydrates & has a low GI. I also used Nimbin Natural cheese, an Elbo style cheese that is free of animal rennet & one of the best tasting cheeses I have come across. You can find small bottles of truffle oil at most delicatessens’ but expect to pay as much as thirty dollars for 100ml.
Gossip Girl Grilled Cheese Sandwich
- half a cup of good quality freshly grated cheese
- two slices fresh grain bread
- butter
- truffle oil
- salt & pepper
Heat a small spoonful of butter in a frying pan over a medium heat & preheat your griller (broiler) or oven. Brush both sides of the bread with truffle oil using a pastry brush & then top both slices with the grated cheese. Season with salt & freshly cracked pepper & place each slice into the frying pan face up. Let the bread fry for one to two minutes & then transfer the frying pan to the grill or oven to melt the cheese. This shouldn’t take too long! Carefully remove the frying pan when done. Sandwich the two cooked slices together (cheese facing inward of course!) & cut in half. Enjoy while still warm & gooey!
This post was written by Bella (contact) on December 8th, 2008 at and was filed under How To, Tasty Foodstuffs and tagged with the words gossip girl, grilled cheese sandwich, recipe, Style, toasted cheese sandwich, truffle oil . It contains 333 words, 1 image.
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