"Threads from the Web | 7th January 2009"
1. Wire rope, 2. What a tangled web we weave….., 3. herringbone homage, 4. Curly Rope, 5. please stop hating playing hard, 6. Green Thread, 7. fray, 8. Spools of vintage thread: greens, 9. blue 7, 10. cob nut - wrong side, 11. Thread-ends, 12. Little boy in a pot of ropes, 13. Green
- I have discovered Paco Peregrín! His Wonderland series is awe inspiring. As is this & this & oh gosh this!
- Even Kermit the Frog does yoga! Awesome!
- Dr Who: is the new Dr everything the Dr should be? I think McMillan is right; I would have liked to have seen the Dr wear skin with a different shade - or some stilettos.
- It’s every DnD players’ dream cake! Complete with twenty sided dice & a battle grid! When your party is done slaying the beast, they can slice up its tail & serve it with ice cream…
- The ever-beautiful Miss Karen recreates Siouxsie Sioux’s iconic make-up & does a smashing job!
- This dress used to be a phone book…
- Just like tinyurl makes long winded urls a decent size, hugeurl makes any url a well….very decent size. Huge in fact. If you like that, why not treat yourself to the worlds longest email address?
- Snopes investigates the Good Wife’s Guide. True or not, it’s still hilarious!
- You can buy Peta branded coffins with Peta-esque slogans emblazoned all over ‘em. Gives new meaning to “I wouldn’t be caught dead in fur!” $75 from each sold is directly donated to Peta.
- Ever wondered if scientists can dance? Me neither. But the answer is yes, yes they can. I can remember when my tenth grade science teacher dressed up as the superhero “Science Man” and danced around to Tom Lehrer’s Periodic Table of the Elements. Too good to forget.
- Dr Martens are celebrating their 50th year by collaborating with well known artists & designers & the resulting footwear is well worth a peek.
- Check out these geeky tattoos. I think the Death Eater one is pretty hawt. Which is your favourite?
- Very attractive zombies. Fashion zombies even. Need I say more?
- I wish I could have gone to this party - would have been interesting no? I bet the costumes were delicious! Now, where can I find some photos of this party…?
- Speaking of Christmas, Laura Keeble devised an installation two years ago with the three wise men as the central theme. Only, they bear the gifts of Dior, Rolex & Chanel. Creepy.
- The jewellery from Majo Fruithof is stunning. So is the photography. I have my heart set on the cross necklace.
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This post was written by Bella (contact).
It was written on January 7th, 2009 at 6:48 pm and was filed under Threads from the Web and tagged with the words links, threads, Threads from the Web .
It contains 417 words, 1 image.