"12 Awesome Calendar Ideas for 2009"

The new year has begun & now it’s time take that old calendar off the wall & replace with a brand spanking new one. But you & I, we’re special. We don’t want just any calendar now do we? Of course not, so here are some of the best that the world wide web can offer us.

1. The Cheap Calendar

Here’s a cheap & easy calendar made out of post it notes. You write the date out on individual post it notes & stick them to the wall. Then use the rest of the space on each post it note for reminders, to do lists or whatever! Take today’s note with you when you leave the house - awesome!

2. The Messy Calendar

This calendar by artist Oscar Diaz uses blotting paper to absorb coloured ink. The line of blotting paper marks out the numbers on the calendar & each day slowly appears over time. Be careful not to spill that bottle though!

3. The Destructive Calendar

Designer Susanna Hertrich developed this hypothetical calender that shreds itself. Each day takes a full 24 hours to shred, slowly moving on to display the next day. With no off button, you had better think about placing it over a bin; if it even goes into production that is.

4. The Crafty Calendar

The cute handmade calendar was whipped up by Rashida of i heart linen. It was auctioned off for charity not too long ago. The removable buttons are held on with Velcro & are removed at end of each day. I love the blue & grey colour scheme & how easy the whole thing is to customise.

5. The Stress-busting Calendar

Popping bubble wrap is an immensely satisfying time waster. The folks at Bubble Calendar have managed to combine the awesome pastime of popping bubble wrap with the functionality of a calendar. Pop each day as it passes you by - if you can even wait that long!

6. The Wallpaper Calendar

Christiaan Postma has created a calendar that come the end of the year will not come off you wall without a little steam & some persuasion. Why is that? Because it’s wallpaper. No word of when the wallpaper will enter into production though.

7. The expensive Calendar

This calendar designed specifically for newave looks & behaves much like a clock. The hands point dutifully towards the present day of the week & day of the month. Each day ticks over much like each second on a clock. Not for regular folks though, this costs a hefty $95,000. With a price tag like that, I’d want it to last more than a year.

8. The Cute Calendar

Artist & illustrator Cecilie Ellefsen is responsible for some of the most adorable creations & her 2008 calendar is no exception. While it is perhaps the most conventional calendar here, it is one of my favourites. I love the decals used for each day’s shape & the cute little characters. Here’s hoping that 2009 calendar will be available soon!

9. The Hands-on Calendar

The Behance Network offers up some seriously artistic fodder for thought & I found this calendar on their site. It is a little box of numbered fridge magnets - awesome! You affix the magnets to your fridge (or any metal surface for that matter) & hey presto! you have a calendar. The customization options are endless, & who doesn’t like playing with magnets!?

10. The Pyromaniac’s Calendar

Also from Behance, this matchstick calendar is any pyromaniac’s dream. The calendar is designed to be similar to a book of matches, with each day written along the length of the individual matches. Think up new & exciting uses for each day’s flame - light a scented candle or a luxurious cigarette. Light the gas ring on the stove for tonight’s dinner - or burn your junk mail!

11. The Indy Calendar

Film for Polaroid cameras is pretty hard to get a hold of these days. You can pick up a pack on ebay for about $50, so really this calander made of photos should be called the “expensively artistic calendar.” Marc of Click. Wind. Repeat. must have spent ages looking for all those numbers! But really, this is just too cute. If they ever start making Polaroid film again I think I might try this.

12. The Human Calendar

This is totally cute. It’s a calendar composed of photos of people, each holding a number or day of the week. (& there’s that one guy who has to hold the year!) The pictures change everyday! I have no idea who these people are or how much effort went into this but it must be my favourite out of all the calendars here.

So, which one will be hanging on your wall this year?

One Response to “12 Awesome Calendar Ideas for 2009” | Skip to comment form

  1. Keith Gray Says:

    Where’s the Crispin Finn Calendar?

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This post was written by Bella (contact).

It was written on January 2nd, 2009 at 7:47 pm and was filed under Inspiration, Style and tagged with the words , , , , , .

It contains 777 words, 12 images.

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