Who is Bella?

Hello! I’m Bella, the creator of bellasthreads.com.

I am an INFJ, a Fire Rabbit, a Libra with a Taurus Rising & my moon in Aries/Taurus, & lastly I am a bubble of curiosity, daydreams & ideas. I was born when the moon was full. For almost ten years now I’ve been a vegetarian in one way or another. I love to cook & share meals with exciting people. I am beloved of Mr. K. I like being outside & looking at the sky. Like many others, I keep in physical contact with my computer almost daily. I think of this as a fairly positive experience - with the internet at my fingertips, I am constantly learning & improving. I also enjoy reading all kinds of books & losing myself in the adventures of anothers’ mind. You can keep track of my reading habits on Shelfari.

I’ve been fond of dressing up ever since I can remember. Some of my grandmother’s favourite memories of me as a little girl are of my experiments with her wardrobe. Some time ago I came to the realisation that dressing up is not something that requires a special occasion. Since then I have made the choice to feel as comfortable, chic, hilarious, absurd & delicious in my clothes as I choose to. Dressing up is for everyday & this web site is in part an exploration of that.

I also believe that some things never go out of style: good humour, manners, affability & intellect are life’s essentials.

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